Quicker AI

Elevate your audit efficiency with AutoExtract, CrossRef, and MathCheck—your AI-powered audit toolkit.


Boost your teams productivity by 80% with a unified Cloud Auditing suite


Eliminate manual data extraction processes by 100%


Our customers achieve a staggering average ROI of 35%

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Streamline the auditing process by automatically extracting and classifying data from unstructured documents. Eliminate manual data entry and improve data accuracy and allow audit and finance professionals to focus on analysis and decision-making rather than routine tasks.


Enhance data verification across documents. Quickly cross-references information from multiple documents against spreadsheet data, providing robust links and ensuring data traceability. This tool simplifies the complex task of maintaining data integrity across diverse documentation, saving time and reducing the potential for human error.


Easily verify the mathematical accuracy of financial documents. Quickly identify and highlight potential discrepancies in calculations. MathCheck ensures that financial reports are precise and trustworthy, facilitating better compliance and confidence in financial data.

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